Thursday, November 27, 2008

Rapture of Elijah

click to expand. date on photo not correct.

I am making progress on this painting which
is rare 4 me when i am depressed. That is
more than i can say 4 other paintings now 
on the back burner like The gods. 

As with all my M.S. Paintings, this one is done
entirely out of my imagination. I have no model
to follow so i can only imagine things like animals
& shadows. In this painting i have chosen to make
the light come from the chariot & two angels as
well as the three winged horses. So all the shadows
need to concur with this idea which makes the sun
already set.

Elijah ridding on the chariot held there by an angel
while the other Elisha left standing there with one
hand on his head (gesturing unbelievable) & the other 
hand reaching out to Elijah being taken up to heaven 
by God. The Bible does not say rather the horses had
wings or not but it does say "a chariot of fire and horses
of fire" So having it all brightly glowing as in a Rembrandt 
set at night/dusk, would be the thing here. It also says
that Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind, but does
not go into detail just how the chariot & horses turned
into a whirlwind.

2 Kings 2: 11-14