Friday, September 12, 2014
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Still Working On It
I am still working on this Gallery De Fuego as a whole blog and am
trying to keep it as updated as possible. As soon as I get a good
PC I will start back with doing these MS paintings again.
Until then please enjoy the ones that I have here
now and as usual all my art is free.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Coming Out Of My Depression

This MSPainting is called Michael and the Dragon
I am on a new med for bipolar and just now (after 2 years) I am
finally coming out of this damn depression. So....I hope to be here
again soon with new art etc.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Cycling News
I can see a BIG difference between me now
and me in 2008. I did Michael and the Dragon
in 2008, but now in 2010 I have done little works.
As I have mentioned before, I am now waiting
for my natural manic side to cycle back again
so I can have the energy and inspiration to create
works of art again.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Basic Paintbrush for Mac

I just downloaded Paintbrush for Mac which is supposed to
be a Microsoft Paint clone. As you can see by the above piece
it has the same basic traits as Microsoft Paint, but it is even
way more cruder and less sophisticated than MS Paint.
If I decide to do a painting using Paintbrush for Mac, it will
be posted here sometime in the future.
I ask myself if something as cool as Michael and the Dragon
could be painted using Paintbrush for Mac?
Monday, March 15, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Still Here
at this moment. If I start thinking about how
to draw on Mac and publish/post it to here
then I may do that. Right now my right hand
is all messed up from a wreck, so I have to wait
anyway before I can start drawing/painting again.
still here
Monday, November 30, 2009
Feeling A Little Better
I am still in my depressive cycle but not as bad as before.
Also I have no useable PC for the Microsoft Paint and am
now using a MacBook for everything computer. Once I
get another PC I will start Microsoft Painting again.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Nothing New Here
Until I am up closer to my manic cycle, I can
do little here. M.S. Painting really is 4 maniacs.
But I am also just starting to come up out of
my depressive cycle, so I should be back here
working any day now. It is the fascination that I
am getting with the study of my bipolar cycles,
that keeps me going on as an artist with bipolarity.
Learning about depression & mania first hand &
their creative cycles, is what I am about now days.
As an artist I want to always be up & creating but
I can not create while depressed. So it becomes a
waiting game as much as anything else.
any day now.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Detail of the Rapture of Elijah
In this detail of the unfinished painting U
see the three winged horses. I have drawn
the lead horse to be looking back as if waiting
until Elijah is secured aboard the chariot. Also
in like manner the second or middle horse is
also looking back for the same reason.
This gives a sense of divine purpose in the form
of the awareness of these heavenly horses which
the scripture says are "horses of fire" The lead
horse is already ascending upward toward heaven.
On the left side U see an angel with his arm extended
holding the whip. Little by little this painting is
taking on a shape which has been preformed in my
imagination & by holy scripture.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Rapture of Elijah
click to expand. date on photo not correct.
I am making progress on this painting which
is rare 4 me when i am depressed. That is
more than i can say 4 other paintings now
on the back burner like The gods.
As with all my M.S. Paintings, this one is done
entirely out of my imagination. I have no model
to follow so i can only imagine things like animals
& shadows. In this painting i have chosen to make
the light come from the chariot & two angels as
well as the three winged horses. So all the shadows
need to concur with this idea which makes the sun
already set.
Elijah ridding on the chariot held there by an angel
while the other Elisha left standing there with one
hand on his head (gesturing unbelievable) & the other
hand reaching out to Elijah being taken up to heaven
by God. The Bible does not say rather the horses had
wings or not but it does say "a chariot of fire and horses
of fire" So having it all brightly glowing as in a Rembrandt
set at night/dusk, would be the thing here. It also says
that Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind, but does
not go into detail just how the chariot & horses turned
into a whirlwind.
2 Kings 2: 11-14
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Little Bit About Me & M.S. Painting

The crucifiction by Angel de Fuego 2008
I started out doing pencil drawings as a kid
until doing oil on canvas as a young adult to
doing M.S. Paintings as an old man.....well maybe
not that old. I used computers for years before
I ever thought of doing a painting using Micro
Soft Paint.
As U can see in this Gallery De Fuego that I have
already done a few of them & continue doing them.
The more of them I do, I learn new ways of doing
these M.S. Paintings which R delightfully easy to
print out & sell as prints. It is the actual doing
them that is hard.
Yes i brag a lot about my super human genius & all
talking about artistic genius, not academic genius.
but the truth is, i am only as smart as i appear or
Making Good Progress
date on photo NOT correct. Progress thus far, photo taken
Nov 19 2008 The Rapture of Elijah by Angel De Fuego.
I am making good progress in my new painting
called The Rapture of Elijah (see post below)
Considering that I am depressed while doing this,
is absolutely great in itself. If U click on the above
photo of the painting, U get a blurring look at this
painting in progress comparing it to the first photo
in the post below taken Nov 14.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
There is Hope
After being at the Dali museum and seeing close up
his technique & style changes until he found his own
style. I now believe that I too with M.S. Painting
can & will progress to my own style and technique.
So, when i start to M.S. Paint again, i will begin with
a fresh new outlook on style progressions and such.
I Have also in the past been to the Maxfield Parrish
museum to see up close his unique style. So my approach
to M.S. Painting will be coming from the West & by computer,
although with a background in classic styles and such.
M.S. Painting.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Went to the Dali museum today
photo of outside of Dali museum in St. Pete. photo
taken Oct 28 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Update Pending
Today is Oct 27 2008 and i am in Florida.
When i get back to Calif. in about a week
i will start working on my paintings again.
Have a great Hallowscream!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Ray at Night
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Exhibit 1 M.S. Paintings on My Wall
click on photo to expand. date on photo incorrect.
on the wall in my home, as it should be. The small
Note: the painting Rapheal et Asmodeus at upper left.
I am the only one who can successfully hang this painting
on the wall, without it (possessed) effecting me directly.
That is because I have used holy sacred magic to keep him
(Asmodeus) acting right in my presence. No one else should
try this. Now I have warned you. NOTE: The painting at top
(on wood) is from the 11th century not done by me.
Museum Quality Music
From the Baroque Studies
no.2 Opus 10.
and listen to this Baroque piece
that I wrote a few years ago.
(if U click off this page while
music is playing, then music
will stop.)That includes expanding
any painting/photo. while you check out
some of my M.S. Paintings, drawings
and sketches here.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
The gods

5-5-08 getting there start date 4-28-08
As with all my MS Paintings, you will
know this painting is done when I
sign and date it in the usual place.
I will try and update the painting
progress a few times a week.
Check below to see the original
Note: Nov. 30 2008
The computer I was using to do this
painting just blew up, so I will have to
wait to finish it. Oh Well!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Raphael et Asmodeus

Raphael et Asmodeus by Angel De Fuego 2008 click to expand
Note: There will be no prints made of this
painting that I worked on for over 200 hours.
It is possessed by the Demon Asmodeus.
Note: What ever you do, do not print
this painting to hang up on your wall.
If you do, you will be sorry that you did.
So now I have warned you.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Intercession by Angel de Fuego 2008 click to expand
I worked 8-10 hours on this painting
L is for Love and intercession through
the cross, in this Christian message
style MS Painting. I originally intended
this painting to be more metaphysical
in appearance than a Jesus Christian
thing. But it is also much to dangerous
to deny biblical truth its rightful place.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Crucifiction
Friday, February 22, 2008
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Michael and the Dragon

Michael et Dracos by Angel de Fuego 2008 click to expand
I am posting this (my first) 100 percent MS Painting
(which I worked about a hundred hours on)
here as the first exhibit. This painting is pretty darn
good for more or less being a finger painting using
MS Paint. To see the past progress of this MS Painting,
and learn more, click here.
Future Exhibits and Past Works
Below you will find paintings that
I am working on, and paintings
that I have already done.

The gods original sketch
Zues, Venus and Apollo.
Mount Transfiguration, new work
started 3-09-08

3-11-08 getting there.

Raphael et Asmodeus start date 2-28-08

Raphael et Asmodeus
original sketch.

The Witch of Endor
original sketch.

The Crucifiction------ getting there 2-24-08

Working on two MS Paintings at a time.

The Witch of Endor

The Crucifiction

Not So Still Life
This is a halfbreed half oil and half
MS Paint. I will touch it up at some
future time. The oil canvas original
Mount Transfiguration, new work
started 3-09-08

3-11-08 getting there.

Raphael et Asmodeus start date 2-28-08

Raphael et Asmodeus
original sketch.

The Witch of Endor
original sketch.

The Crucifiction------ getting there 2-24-08
Working on two MS Paintings at a time.
The Witch of Endor
The Crucifiction

Not So Still Life
This is a halfbreed half oil and half
MS Paint. I will touch it up at some
future time. The oil canvas original
fell out of the back of my truck in
2001 near Steven's Creek Blvd. and
Bolenger Blvd. in San Jose California.
This reconstruction of the painting
with added differences is all I have of it.
If you were the lucky person to find
the canvas original, please mail it back
to me. :-)
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